Wolves are doing well in Germany, there are twice more of them than two years ago

The wolves´ population in Germany keeps growing. At present there live 100 to 120 animals, which is about twice their amount from the year 2010.
This follows from a current survey by Society of Friends of Wild Wolves in Germany. The predators usually used to settle down in abandoned areas of former military training spaces. Since the end of the year 2011 there have been living two wolves also in Lower Saxony at Munster.
In 2011 twelve litter of pups were noted according to German scientists, which is double amount of them from the year 2010. The wolf pairs from the surroundings of towns Lehnitz and Jüterbog south-west from Berlin had for the first time four, or rather five youngs.
The wolves in Germany show they do not need deserted wilderness for their lives. In the area of Lusatia they live in the places where there are brown coal power stations or mines.
The wolf observation with the help of radio transmitters confirmed that male wolves are able to walk hundreds of kilometres while looking for a new territory. And not only in Germany. In the year 2009 „a trip“ of a male wolf was watched from German Lusatia, it set out to Poland, got near to Gdańsk and Warsaw and the signal of its transmitter finally disappeared only at the boarders of Belarus and Lithuania.