The Earth may warm by 6 °C, a new analysis warns

2009 - 11 - 18
The Earth may warm by 6 °C, a new analysis warns

The average temperature on the planet Earth could rise by up to 6 °C in the future if humanity does not immediately reduce its CO2 emissions, a new analysis says. Researchers at the Global Carbon Project network found that our emissions increased by 29 percent between 2000 and 2008.

While developing countries are exclusively responsible for the increase in emissions, a quarter of this increase is due to the production of goods consumed in developed …

The Earth may warm by 6 °C, a new analysis warns

A four-degree shock warming may already arrive in 50 years, British scientists warn

2009 - 10 - 01
A four-degree shock warming may already arrive in 50 years, British scientists warn

A recent study by the acclaimed Met Office, a British meteorological institute, shocked experts with its conclusion that global warming would worsen sharply. In 2070, but perhaps already in 2060, it is possible to count on a temperature increase by 4 °C.

“If we do not reduce our CO2 emissions quickly, we will experience significant climate changes,” said Richard Betts of Met Off at the Oxford International Conference, which was “shocked” by the study’s results. …

A four-degree shock warming may already arrive in 50 years, British scientists warn

The economic crisis reduces the EU countries’ greenhouse gas emissions

2009 - 09 - 01
The economic crisis reduces the EU countries’ greenhouse gas emissions

Yesterday, the European Environment Agency published its preliminary data on the last year’s greenhouse gas emissions. It shows that emissions in the 27 EU countries decreased by 1.5 percent. At the same time, the agency admitted that this was partly due to the economic crisis.

However, emissions have been reduced for the fourth consecutive year. Under the Kyoto Protocol, the original 15 EU countries were to reduce their emissions by 8 percent between 2008 and …

The economic crisis reduces the EU countries’ greenhouse gas emissions

England is threatened by non-native “super ants” forming giant colonies and destroying power lines

2009 - 08 - 01 image of Order:Hymenoptera Family:Formicidae Genus:Lasius Species:Lasius neglectus Specimen:casent0173143 View:profile

The invasive Lasius neglectus ant species has begun to threaten Great Britain. The ant forms colonies up to 100 times larger than the original ants, and often destroys power lines.

While the Lasius neglectus ant looks similar to the ordinary black garden ant, the number of ants working together in their colonies tends to be 10 to 100 times greater than normal. At the same time, these ants are attracted by electric current and form … image of Order:Hymenoptera Family:Formicidae Genus:Lasius Species:Lasius neglectus Specimen:casent0173143 View:profile

The invisible tragedy of insects. Both wild bees and beetles that need them to live are dying out

2009 - 07 - 02
The invisible tragedy of insects. Both wild bees and beetles that need them to live are dying out

Central Europe’s nature has lost dozens of its insect species in recent decades. This is shown by the recently published Red List of Invertebrates of the Czech Republic. Of 161 butterfly species, 17 species have died out in the Czech Republic. Regarding bees and their relatives, 146 of their have species died out, i.e. 17 percent. Forty one wasp species died out, i.e. 20 percent. The situation of the rare Meloe beetle is even worse. …

The invisible tragedy of insects. Both wild bees and beetles that need them to live are dying out

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