A father to play with. Scientists have published surprising results concerning the behaviour of wild horses

2020 - 08 - 31
A father to play with. Scientists have published surprising results concerning the behaviour of wild horses.

Ground-breaking results have been yielded by the research of a three-member team of scientists from the University of South Bohemia and the Czech University of Life Sciences. Their article published in the prestigious magazine Animal Cognition brings surprising conclusions from the area of wild horse behaviour, specifically, the fatherly behaviour of stallions.

“Even though we expected that the behaviour of stallions towards foals would be positive to a certain extent, the results were surprising even …

A father to play with. Scientists have published surprising results concerning the behaviour of wild horses.

Six European bison were born in the reserve of large herbivores this year, the highest number since its foundation

2020 - 07 - 31
Six European bison were born in the reserve of large herbivores this year, the highest number since its foundation

This year, a unique reserve of large herbivores, also known as the European Serengeti, recorded the highest increases in bison since its establishment in 2015. Six European bison calves were born this year in a protected area, which is located in the former military area of Milovice, near Prague.

“In some years, baby bison were born during the summer, so the numbers of increments may not be complete. In female bison, pregnancy is very difficult …

Six European bison were born in the reserve of large herbivores this year, the highest number since its foundation

Coronavirus? Europe has been paralyzed by worse flu epidemics. Climate change will bring much worse pandemics

2020 - 06 - 26

To date, the Covid-19 pandemic death toll in Europe stands at 195,549. The European Union thus continues to be the most afflicted area in the world and also surpasses the United States of America, with 126,8390 dead, and Brazil, with 55,054 dead. Just the four worst afflicted EU countries, i.e., the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and France, have for the present registered 135,990 victims.

In spite of this, experts point out that as compared with …


Not only Wuhan in China. Animals in Europe also suffer needlessly

2020 - 06 - 19

The probable source of coronavirus Covid-19 at an overcrowded market with exotic animals in the Chinese city of Wuhan has drawn attention to the conditions that animals in this Asian country are subjected to. Footage of animals in a sorry state in cages and poor hygiene conditions that prevail at these markets could lead people to believe that animals suffer in a similar way only in faraway Asia. However, there is also room for improvement …


Coronavirus is also caused by a dirty atmosphere. Europe must increase its smog-reduction efforts

2020 - 06 - 12
Coronavirus is also caused by a dirty atmosphere. Europe must increase its smog-reduction efforts

Europe continues to be the continent most afflicted by the Covid-19 pandemic. While 186,859 people have died in Europe since the beginning of the pandemic, the death toll is 141,979 people in North America and 56,391 people in South America. In Asia, where the pandemic started at the turn of 2019 and 2020, 44,958 people have died of the Coronavirus. In contrast, 5,853 people have died of the Coronavirus in all of Africa. Of the …

Coronavirus is also caused by a dirty atmosphere. Europe must increase its smog-reduction efforts

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