Yesterday, the large herbivore reserve was presented the prestigious E.ON Energy Globe Award, also known as the ecological Oscar

2024 - 09 - 01

The prestigious E.ON Energy Globe award was presented yesterday to the large herbivore reserve, situated on former military training grounds in Milovice, near Prague. The CEO of E.ON Group Czech Republic, Claudia Viohl, presented the award to Dalibor Dostál, the director of European Wildlife, a nature conservation organisation which founded the reserve via its local branche in collaboration with scientists in 2015.

During the Brno Ecofestival, where yesterday’s award ceremony took place, the reserve was …


Conservationists remove invasive locust trees in hundreds of hectares of the large herbivore reserve

2024 - 08 - 30

The black locust is one of the most troublesome invasive woody plants threatening European nature, and therefore conservationists started removing this non-native species this summer in an area of 350 hectares of the large herbivore reserve referred to as European Serengeti. It is located in the former military training area of Milovice near Prague.

“The spread of non-native species is one of the greatest current challenges in nature conservation. Therefore, the utmost attention should be …


Aurochs brought from the Netherlands have been released in the mountains on the Czech-Austrian border

2024 - 07 - 01

The story of two female aurochs with their young that got stuck in quarantine in the Netherlands has a happy ending. Conservationists have released them into the large ungulate reserve in the Gratzen Mountains. Instead of bars and artificial lighting, they are now enjoying sun-lit pastures near the Czech border with Austria.

The fund-raising campaign organised by the European Wildlife conservation group through its local organisation for the purchase and speedy transport of the animals …


The herd of wild horses is complete, conservationists have released the final animals in the mountains on the Czech-Austrian border

2024 - 06 - 27

The herd of wild horses on the Czech border with Austria is now complete. Conservationists brought there the remaining mares from the European Serengeti nature reserve in the former military area of Milovice near Prague.

“We have taken advantage of the cooler weather. Still, we had to start working on capturing them at 5 am to prevent the animals from overheating,” said Dalibor Dostal, director of the conservationist organisation European Wildlife, which founded the Milovice …


First wild horses graze in the mountains on the border of the Czech Republic with Austria. More will follow them

2024 - 05 - 31

First wild horse mares were transported today by conservationists to the mountains on the Czech border with Austria. The animals, captured in the European Serengeti reserve in the former military training area of Milovice near Prague, joined the back-bred aurochs that have been inhabiting the site since the turn of this year.

The new reserve was established on private plots of land and is used for research purposes and for restoring the local ecosystem. “We …


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