The founder of European Wildlife organization has obtained an award The Act of the Year

2011 - 11 - 11

Dalibor Dostal, the founder and director of European Wildlife organization, has obtained a prestigious award The Act of the Year. The award in the media category was given to him by OKD Foundation, which is the second biggest company foundation in the Czech Republic. He was given the award as a journalist for his voluminous trilogy dedicated to the biggest company donors, the biggest foundations and the biggest company foundations.

“I very appreciate this prize. Foundations and company donors do really significant work for the society. It is not always easy for them to appear in media. I am very glad if I could help them at least a little with the triplet of the series,“ Dalibor Dostal stated. He published the first part of the trilogy in 2007, the second in 2009 and the last one was published this year.

Dalibor Dostal was already awarded a prize for the foundations, company donors and non-profit sector support in the past. For this he received a prestigious prize in 2009 – Greeting of Olga Havel Foundation from foundation of the wife of the former Czech President Vaclav Havel. He is also a member of the jury of prize Mayor of the year, member of expert team of Donors Forum of the Czech Republic, member of the Grant Committee of Via Foundation and member of the jury of Via Bonna Prize.

Dalibor Dostal as a journalist has written hundreds of articles about a non-profit sector, foundations, donorship, nature and the environment. Earlier he acted as the chief editor of the biggest reputable newspaper in the Czech Republic.

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