Yesterday, the large herbivore reserve was presented the prestigious E.ON Energy Globe Award, also known as the ecological Oscar

2024 - 09 - 01

The prestigious E.ON Energy Globe award was presented yesterday to the large herbivore reserve, situated on former military training grounds …

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Who we are?

European Wildlife is a Pan-European non-profit organization dedicated to nature conservation and landscape protection. Our key objective is to conserve biological diversity on the continent and to reduce the impact of climate changes on European nature and human society.

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Climate change

Global warming is a worldwide threat, however, what is primarily endangered is European nature. Over the past millenia, the climate change accompanying the ice-ages has deprived Europe of more plant and animal species than in other continents.

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Haven’t we all at least once read about the African wilderness, South American rainforests or Asian alpine mountains? Although for most of us the wilderness conveys a symbol of far away and exotic places, it is also in Europe where the nature stays as fettered as it had been centuries ago.

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European Wildlife

„Only one per cent of European Wilderness remains. Help us protect it!“

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